Bright Generation - Kumasi, Ghana
Bright Generation is involved in a number of projects that are centered around community development. These projects include, but are not limited to, addressing food security and providing employment and alternative forms of education through bamboo bicycle production. The loans provided to Bright Generation went to rural farmers in the community.

Aarti Home for Girls - Kadapa, India
Aarti Home for Girls is a safe haven that provides girls in need with shelter, education, and training. The organization also sells products in order to support its efforts. The loans provided to Aarti Home for Girls were directed towards keeping production running to support the shelter.

South America
AHA Bolivia - Cochabamba, Bolivia
AHA Bolivia is an ethical manufacturer of knitwear, handbags, toys, and accessories. AHA Bolivia is also fair trade certified and dedicated to establishing a safe working environment for all employees. The loans provided to AHA Bolivia went to employees with various needs.